This is a framed group of medals purchased directly from George W. Trego's son, George Jr. in Lufkin Texas. The medals and the 1991 dated cerificates for the Purple Heart and Bronze Star are all replacements which were lost due to fire. These medals appear to be officially named: Purple Heart, Bronze Star and Good Conduct Medal.
George W. Trego was born in Ohio on April 23, 1923, and died in Ohio on May 10, 1996. He enlisted in Columbus, Ohio on January 20, 1943, at age 19. He was married at that time. He was discharged January 5, 1946.
In addition to those above, his medals include WW2 Victory, German Occupation, European Campaign, and American Campaign. Also included in the group is his original dogtag, Fouregerre, combat infantry badge, and marksmanship medal. The Purple Heart certificate states that George was wounded on April 7, 1945 in Germany. His Bronze Star certificate is for "meritorious achievement in ground combat against the armed enemy during World War II in the European African Middle Eastern Theator of Operations". George Jr. remembers his father telling him that he was shot in the right shoulder by a sniper as he crossed a large field.
Received some additional info from George Trego about his father's service. Now have a copy of his discharge, received from his son, George. It confirms he was wounded April 7, 1945 in Germany, while serving in Company E, 393rd Infantry, 99th Division as a combat infantryman.