Army Memorabilia

Rowland, Edward S.

Rank: Private
Serial Number: 32674107
Military Branch: Co. E 117th Regiment, 30th Division
Origin: New York
Date of Death: 1944-8-9
Hedges Memorial, Rochester, NY
Featured: No

Private Edward S. Rowland Jr. died of schrapnel wounds to the face on August 9, 1944 at the 128th Evacuation Hospital. He was buried at the American cemetary at Marigny, St. Lo, France. His remains were repatriated to the US in 1948 and buried at the Hedges Memorial Cemetary in Rocheter, NY, his hometown.

His group includes his Combat Infantry Badge, officially engraved Bronze Star, and his officially engraved slot brooch posthumous Purple Heart. The IDPF is part of this group from which a lot of this information was obtained.

SOLD to a collector 04-2021 

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