Army Memorabilia

Richards, Dale

Rank: Private First Class
Serial Number: 33746508
Military Branch: 117th Infantry, 30th Division
Origin: District of Columbia
Date of Death: 1944-7-30
Brittany American Cemetery, France
Featured: No

No biographical data on this man has been found.

The 30th came ashore on June 15, 1944, just after D-Day. Its first mission was to secure the high ground north of Vire et Taute Canal. LeRay soon fell before the rolling 30th and the mission of clearing the north bank of the canal was completed by June 17th. On July 7, the Division moved forward again, crossing the Vire River and penetrating as far as St. Jean-de-Day. Beginning July 25, the 30th took part in one of the war's memorable actions, the St. Lo breakthrough. Advances were slowed late in July, but by August 6 the 30th relieved the 1st Infantry Division near Mortain. It was during the St. Lo action that PFC Richards was killed.

SOLD to a collector 04-2021 

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