Air Force Memorabilia

Dick, Charles S.

Rank: Sergeant
Serial Number: 31033519
Military Branch: 68th Bomber Sqd, 44th Bomb Grp.
Origin: Kentucky
Date of Death: 1942-12-6
Ardennes American
Featured: No

Sergeant Dick was a crewmember on a B-24D which was part of the Eighth Air Force, 44th Bomb Group, 68th Bomber Squadron stationed in Shipdham, England. 

PFC Charles Dick received his Air Medal for action on November 18, 1942. The citation reads as follows: "For extraordinary achievement while serving as Top-turret gunner on a B-24 airplane, on a combat mission off the coast of enemy occupied Continental Europe. The airplane was attacked at 14,000 feet altitude by enemy fighter airplanes, whereupon Sergeant Dick destroyed one enemy airplane of the FW-190 type. The courage, coolness and skill displayed upon this occasion reflect highest credit upon Sergeant Dick and the Armed Forces of the United States."

Sgt. Dick's Silver Star citation reads as follows: "For gallantry in action while serving as engineer and top turret gunner on a B-24 airplane on a bombing mission over enemy occupied Europe, 6 December, 1942. After successfully bombing the target, his aircraft was subjected to a concentrated attack by a large force of enemy fighters. During the aerial battle which followed, three engines of the plane were knocked out and other severe damage sustained. Knowing that a crash landing in the sea was inevitable, Sergeant Dick and each member of the gallant crew remained at his position, fighting against overwhelming odds.This tenacity of purpose accounted for the desruction of two enemy planes and damage to several others before the airplane crashed into the sea. The gallantry, skill and devotion to duty displayed by Sergeant Dick on this occasion reflect highest credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of the United States."

Sergeant Dick's medal group includes his officially engraved posthumous Silver Star, Air Medal and Purple Heart. All of the medal boxes and shipping boxes are included. The Air Medal box is unmarked as they were early in the war. The Silver Star is numbered 39347 and the Air Medal is numbered 2708. Also included is an original copy of his Air Medal citation, and copies of his IDPF, Silver Star Citation, Missing Air Crew Report and Sortie logs leading up to the date of his death. Included is a map showing the approximate location of the downed airplane.

SOLD to a collector 04-2021 

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